Panacea Energetics
Karine Calhoun: My Journey
A few years ago, a mosquito changed my life completely. While visiting family in Colorado, I was bitten and contracted West Nile Virus Encephalitis. This condition ripped me from my life as a Waldorf teacher, parent, friend, and spouse. I was left with severe neurological damage, a massive head injury, and an immune system that was stuck. For over two years I was completely helpless – I could barely function in daily life. I sank into a depression and began to lose hope that I would ever recover. It was a dark time. I meditated and prayed heavily. I questioned: if I cannot serve others, what value does my life have? I struggled to find my self-worth as I existed in that helpless state.
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Being in this condition forced to see myself from a new perspective: my loving thoughts and intentions can serve the greater good, even in this state. The disease also opened channels of perception that I had been unaware of before. At first I only saw darkness, but I refused to give in and worked hard at broadcasting good energy into the world. I now see that I was building my capacities for channeling energy even while weak and in pain.
I began receiving regular osteopathic treatments from the doctors at Crossroads Premiere Health Care in Corvallis, Oregon. This care was integral to my recovery as it helped create a space for my brain to heal. While there, I met Bridgett Davis, a Quantum Touch® and Heart Centered Therapy® practitioner. After several sessions, Bridgett asked me, “What would you do if we healed your brain completely?” I replied, “I would become a healer like you.” We then proceeded to heal my brain that day, and the results have been miraculous ever since. The pain I had been living with for years was gone completely. That night I marveled as I put my head on the pillow – the pain was really gone. I continued to receive treatments from Bridgett, clearing layers of trapped energies and limiting beliefs which resulted in the emergence of my true self.
Healed, I set about fulfilling my promise. I completed certifications in Heart Centered Therapy® and Quantum Touch®. I took several courses from the Landmark Forum, which helped remove the hidden personality traps we all face as humans. I continued to learn new techniques and acquire more tools to help me serve my clients more effectively. I learned Heartmath®, Emotion Code®, and Compassion Key®, techniques. A few years later, I encountered the Access Consciousness® tools and methods. These had such a dynamic impact in my own life and healing capacities, that I started collecting certificates and taking more advanced classes in the Access® stream. Driven by spiritual inspiration to learn more and more, I continue to choose Access® classes to deepen my fluency with the language of Energy. I use this in sessions and teach my clients these tools to create more ease and balance in their lives. I have a dream to reach the level of Maestro: a conductor of the molecular symphony of Energy.
I recently added clinical Hypnosis to my repertoire, to offer yet another option for people who are seeking to change their health and habits. My hypnosis training has deepened my understanding of the relationship between conscious, subconscious, superconscious, the neurological system, and the body. It showed me how much hypnosis plays a part in my other tools and modalities. My previous experience with Heart Centered Therapy has paved and easy path to being a potent hypnotist. I am so excited to offer this powerful tool to my clients.
I welcome donations to help me reach my educational goals, as well as helping offset the losses I experience by offering sliding scale sessions to people in need. This way, I can continue being my possibility: Healing and Empowerment for Everyone.